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Mikrobna kolagenaza

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Mikrobna kolagenaza
EC broj3.4.24.3
CAS broj2593923
Baze podataka
IntEnzIntEnz pregled
ExPASyNiceZyme pregled
KEGGKEGG pristup
MetaCycmetabolički put

Mikrobna kolagenaza (EC, Clostridium histolyticum kolagenaza, klostridiopeptidaza A, kolagenaza A, kolagenaza I, Achromobacter iophagus kolagenaza, kolagenaza, aspergilopeptidaza C, nukleolizin, azokolaza, metalokolagenaza, soikolagestin, Clostridium histolyticum proteinaza A, klostridiopeptidaza II, MMP-8, klostridiopeptidaza I, kolagenska peptidaza, kolagenska proteaza, kolagenaza MMP-1, metaloproteinaza-1, kolaza, matriks metaloproteinaza-1, MMP-1, matriks metaloproteinaza-8, matriks metaloproteinaza-18) je enzim.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju

Varenje prirodnog kolagena u regionu trostrukog heliksa na -Gly vezama. Na sintetičkim peptidima preferentno deluje na Gly u P3 i P1', Pro i Ala u P2 i P2', i hidroksiprolin, Ala ili Arg u P3'

Ovaj enzim je jedan od šest metaloendopeptidaza koji deluju na prirodni kolagen i koji su prisutni u medijumu bakterije Clostridium histolyticum.

  1. ^ Hanada, K., Mizutani, T., Yamagishi, M., Tsuji, H., Misaki, T. Sawada, J. (1973). „The isolation of collagenase and its enzymological and physico-chemical properties”. Agric. Biol. Chem. 37: 1771—1781. 
  2. ^ Merkel, J.R. & Dreisbach, J.H. (1978). „Purification and characterization of a marine bacterial collagenase”. Biochemistry. 17: 2857—2863. PMID 210785. 
  3. ^ Heindl, M.-C., Fermandjian, S. and Keil, B. (1980). „Circular dichroism comparative studies of two bacterial collagenases and thermolysin”. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 624: 51—59. PMID 6250633. 
  4. ^ Labadie, J. & Montel, M..-C. (1982). „Purification et étude de quelques propriétés d’une collagénase produite par Empedobacter collagenolyticum”. Biochimie. 64: 49—54. PMID 6530724. 
  5. ^ Bond, M.D & Van Wart, H.D. (1984). „Characterization of the individual collagenases from Clostridium histolyticum”. Biochemistry. 23: 3085—3091. PMID 6087888. 
  6. ^ Bond, M.D. & Van Wart, H.D. (1984). „Relationship between the individual collagenases of Clostridium histolyticum: evidience for evolution by gene duplication”. Biochemistry. 23: 3092—3099. PMID 6087889. 
  7. ^ Van Wart, H.D. & Steinbrink, D.R. (1985). „Complementary substrate specificities of class I and class II collagenases from Clostridium histolyticum”. Biochemistry. 24: 6520—6526. PMID 3002445. 
  8. ^ Tong, N.T., Tsugita, A. and Keil-Dlouha, V. (1986). „Purification and characterization of two high-molecular-mass forms of Achromobacter collagenase”. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 874: 296—304. 
  9. ^ Endo, A., Murakawa, S., Shimizu, H. and Shiraishi, Y. (1987). „Purification and properties of collagenase from a Streptomyces species”. J. Biochem. (Tokyo). 102: 163—170. PMID 2822678. 
  10. ^ Makinen, K.K. & Makinen, P.-L. (1987). „Purification and properties of an extracellular collagenolytic protease produced by the human oral bacterium Bacillus cereus (strain Soc 67)”. J. Biol. Chem. 262: 12488—12495. PMID 3040751. 

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